Monday, March 18, 2013


September 17, 2012

Week two in Moyobamba
This week started off with a BBQ with the zone which was a good start. We played some soccer in the Capilla, Elder Anderson, Elder Kenn from Woodscross and I. Tuesday we have our district meeting in Rioja which is like an half hour drive. Everyone is a good while away except for my area which is right next to the zone leaders. We have all been going to the gym and getting yoked my comp and the zone leaders, but mostly it’s just me getting yoked. It’s really hot here but it rains in the afternoon sometimes and they tell me it is going to start raining more here soon! I am also teaching English on Friday nights at 7:30 so that’s fun, super hard, but fun ha-ha. On Wednesday we called the district leader to give him the numbers and we realized that we had like 20 contacts. It was a for sure emergency so we did some divisions I left with Christian, who is a return missionary from Chiclayo, who served in Colombia. We started contacting like nuts! I was killing the Spanish and contacting like a mad man, but we couldn't get into a house. But lo and behold a family of Seventh-day Adventist let us in. I already knew why they wanted us to come in, they wanted to burn us about our religion because it was Saturday. But I was like whatever I don’t even care, bring it punk! Any who we prayed and taught and it was all good but there was a 80 year old man in a wheel chair who hadn't said a word who stopped me and said, ¨Excuse me, but I have read the bible 4 times completely and there is not a single place in the bible that says that the Sabbath day is Sunday, and if a church worships on Sunday they are a church of the devil!!.¨ He was getting very upset and I thought he was going to have a heart attack, but I calmed him down and opened my bible. I said, ¨If I can find a scripture that says that the Sabbath day is Sunday, will you guys let us come back and teach you guys again…¨ They said yes, very confident that we couldn't find one.  I opened up the bible of the grandpa and we turned to Leviticus 23:39 in the Old Testament. That says very clearly that the Sabbath day is the first day of the week and the 8th day of the week. Which happens to be Sunday. So let’s just say the rest of the lesson was pretty quiet and the prayer was pretty reverent ha-ha. They wouldn't let us come in Sunday afternoon ha-ha, I think I hurt their feelings. Christian was blown away with my scripture and I was too, ha-ha because I had only read that scripture once before, but it came to me right when I needed it. We did get all of our contacts, but we still can’t get our investigators to come to church before the sacrament. It is killing our numbers. But other than that, and a little stomach sickness everything is super great. It’s hot but I’m teaching better than before my companion is super direct, but he is great.

It was great to hear about Brandon and Landon. Make sure I’m the first person to know where Brandon is going.

Ciao from the jungles of Peru

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