Monday, September 16, 2013


February 25, 2013

Well everybody this week we climbed a huge mountain on Monday. I couldn't send you a picture because there was not enough space to send 4 pictures. But it is like a super huge mountain called El Morro Del Calzada. It’s in a lot of the pictures I send home. So we went to climb it and it’s a pretty gnarly hike even for some Utah kids and to make things worse half way up it began to rain and if you can imagine a jungle mountain in the rain that’s what it was just covered in slippery mud. It was hectic, but we all made it safely to the top and then came down. A few kids tripped including me on the way down which was a lot more dangerous, but we got to the easier part of the trail and we just started to Indian run down the mountain like Nephite warriors. In the jungle and the mud it was nuts and was a fun day. I think a few of us got sick, but it was worth it.

Well the president showed up on Thursday with the assistants for a training we were going to have as a zone on Friday and because of the new success and excitement in the restored area of Belen he wanted to go out and serve with us. So President Blunck, Bustos and I went out to teach three families and let’s just say it’s a lot easier to teach when your boss is sitting next to you. Because if you mess up in that lesson… fuiste ha-ha. But everything went well and he commented on how we have really changed this branch and that he is happy with how we are really focusing on families. So we had the training and learned a lot of really important things. So that was real nice.

The wedding was nuts so many things were going wrong, one of the couples from the other area didn't show up and the guy who married the couples was like 2 hours late. So we had everyone waiting patiently in the chapel with all the decorations ready while the missionaries were outside pulling the hairs that they hadn't lost yet out of the heads. But nonetheless he showed up and they were married and all was fine. But I have learned that if you want something done do it yourself, because nothing goes as you planned. For the length of the ceremony and the plans that the families had we decided that we would baptize Delicia on Sunday afternoon. So Sunday we wake up. The assistants have been with us for 4 days they will be in the sacrament meeting with us. And President Blunck will be in the sacrament meeting as well. And we left early to pick up Angel, Delica, and their baby. We got at their house at 8:30 and man did they take their sweet time ha-ha. We were waiting for an hour to get out of the house to go to church and we ended up getting there and missing the sacrament and walking in front of President with that look on his face, o-geez. I felt silly, but I think he realized we were late because of picking up investigators, but nonetheless it was an awkward situation. Also Nils blessed the sacrament on Sunday and everyone said he did a great job. And we had over 110 at the sacrament meeting. Everything is getting better every week. We then had the baptism at 5 and other than just baptizing Delicia we had the opportunity to baptize a daughter of a member who just turned 8 years old. Delica after the baptism expressed her feelings towards her baptism as a complete change of her life. I could only think of a letter my dad wrote me about trials in the mission and at one point someone will tell you that you changed their life and every trial and difficulty will be worth it. It was very emotional. Then Margot got up to give her testimony and being that she is 8 and a little nervous she got up and didn't say anything, We asked her to say how she felt. After a pause she said. “I felt like I was drowning.” The whole room was laughing hysterically as was Margot, it was great. The work is going very well here with the help of the members.

As we were setting up for the wedding President Blunck told us of the mission split so when he leaves he will do the last changes and those that are in the zones in the jungle will be in Mission Iquitos and those in Lima ll be Lima North. That will happen in two changes after this change so we will see where I go. The new president in Lima is North American and the one in Iquitos is Latin, but it will be difficult either way. I am exited to see what happens I just hope my buddies are in the same mission with me.

Well I'm really sorry but these computers here are horrible and not a single picture sent. So I will try to send them next Monday. I'm really sorry.

The photos in this post are from President Blunck's blog.

Sy sent these the following week.

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